Health and Wealth Links

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

According to a research that was published at British Medical Journal, those people that are healthy, they are the ones who become richer. Student researchers and professional researchers are linking health as well as health on first world countries or richer countries, they have found healthy people being much productive in work, spending lots of days on work and they are earning more because of not taking so much leaves due to sickness.

It seems very obvious, however investments on our health is producing a bigger return for people, their country economy as well their family too.

Healthy foods as well as exercises improve our flow of blood, in the vital organs of our body, for your successful life and to the brain.

Every people, like you will likely wanted lots of money as well as success, however the initial steps must be in incorporating dietary plans and exercises to your daily schedule.

Esophageal Cancer prognosis

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

One of the most common types of Esophageal Cancer is adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. They develop in the cells on the side walls of the esophagus. This type of cancer can develop anywhere near the esophagus appearing as an abnormal flat area or a lump or an abnormal connection between the airways that supply the lung and the esophagus.

Some of the less common types of esophageal cancer are cancer of the smooth muscle in the esophagus and cancer which has spread from somewhere else from the body.

This cancer affects nearly 15,500 people alone in the United States of America. It is common in both men and women. The common risk factors include the use of alcohol and tobacco. People who have had neck and head cancer or have undergone radiation therapy are more likely to develop esophageal cancer.

Esophageal cancer can be unnoticed in the earlier stages since the first symptom of it is difficulty in swallowing food. In the later stages several weeks ago, swallowing soft food and liquids also becomes difficult. Due to all this, weight loss occurs.

As the cancer progresses, it usually invades different tissues, nerves and organs. It also can compress the vocal cords resulting in hoarseness of voice. Other symptoms may include hiccups and spinal pain. If spread to the brain, it can cause confusion, seizures and headaches. If the cancer spreads to intestines, it can causes bloody stools, vomiting and an iron deficiency.

In late stages, the cancer can block the esophagus completely causing swallowing to become impossible therefore all secretions build up in the mouth causing great discomfort.

Diagnosis of esophageal cancer can be done through an endoscopy. This procedure also allows the doctor to remove any tissue he feels likes for biopsy. A barium swallow can also help in showing where the blockage is during an x ray.

As this cancer is diagnosed at a late therefore the death rate is very high. Less than 5% people survive in 5 years. As the survival rate is low, the main objective of the doctors is to control pain and make the patient suffering less. Removing the tumor offers prolonged relief in some cases but does not cure as till then, the cancer has usually spread beyond the point of treatment.

Chemotherapy or radiation can also prolong the life of the patient combined with surgery and radiation. Another technique for the relief of symptoms is photodynamic therapy in which a light sensitive dye is given 48 hours before the treatment intravenously. This dye destroys cancer tissues when activated by a light passed through laser. Photodynamic therapy destroys lesions causing destruction more rapidly in patients rather than with chemotherapy or radiation if they have a poor health.

Good nutrition makes the treatment more effective, tolerable and feasible. People who cannot swallow receive nutrition in liquid forms or through feeding tubes.

Plans by the patient should be made well before since death is more likely in almost all cases. A frank discussion about medical care should be made between patient and doctor.